//create keyframes var rotateAnim = Amo.keyframes({ 'transform': 'rotate(0deg)' }, { 'transform': 'rotate(360deg)' //create animate }).animate({ // animation iteration count time: -1, // animation timing function easing: 'linear' }); //run animate & return animate instance rotateAnim.run(document.getElementById('demo-1'));
//create keyframes var moveAnim = Amo.keyframes({ left: '20px' }, { left: '480px' }).animate({ time: -1, // animation-direction: normal|alternate; direction: 'alternate' }); // animation instance var moveAnimIns = moveAnim.run($('#demo-2')); $('#btn-start').on('click', function(){ // start the animation instance moveAnimIns.start(); }); $('#btn-stop').on('click', function(){ // stop the animation instance moveAnimIns.stop(); });
//create keyframes var sizeAnim = Amo.keyframes({ 'border-radius': 10, width: 10, height: 10 }, { 'border-radius': 120, width: 120, height: 120 }).animate({ //animate times time: 5, //animate duration at one time duration: 800, direction: 'alternate' }); //callback sizeAnim.run($('#demo-3'), function() { $('#demo-3').css('background', '#ddd'); });
//create keyframes var colorAnim = Amo.keyframes({ 0: { 'background-color': 'red' }, 20: { 'background-color': 'green' }, 50: { 'background-color': 'blue' }, 80: { 'background-color': 'yellow' }, 100: { 'background-color': 'gray' } }).animate({ time: -1, direction: 'alternate' }); var demo4Ins = colorAnim.run($('.demo-4'));
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